Acceptance of fate

How often do we read about changing ourselves and setting big goals to move us towards a perfect life? Sayings like “you wouldn’t set out on a journey without planning the route” come to mind. It’s true, we do need to know where we are going and what we want to achieve but sometimes fateContinue reading “Acceptance of fate”


As a counsellor in training I have had clients who have been exhibiting signs of panic and anxiety and I have been able to relate to them well as I have been there too. Many people experience panic attacks at some point in their life but for those who experience them regularly, they pose realContinue reading “Panic”

Using CBT within Person-Centred Therapy

Until I started my training to become a counsellor, I had not experienced Person-Centred Therapy, I had only had CBT and at that point I was not a fan. Having learnt more over the last few years, and particularly this year, I have seen the benefit of using CBT techniques incorporated within PC work. CounsellingContinue reading “Using CBT within Person-Centred Therapy”


2020 is going well isn’t it!!! This is probably an understatement. What is doing well though is anxiety, it’s loving all this uncertainty in the world. Let’s look at some things that may help you through. If we think about anxiety as being an annoying little person interrupting our day we can look at waysContinue reading “Anxiety”

Positive thinking

Have you ever just bought a new car (or new to you) and suddenly everywhere you look there is the same car? You’ve not noticed them before but suddenly they are everywhere! This happens because we get more of what we think about. You have broken a nail, spilt milk, dropped you mobile phone, allContinue reading “Positive thinking”

Shopping, Face Masks and Covid-19

This year is fun isn’t it! I mean Covid-19 really is messing with us. Never before in my lifetime have I had to queue to get into a shop but that is now the norm for us all. But as we start to come out of lockdown and businesses re-open how do we keep ourselvesContinue reading “Shopping, Face Masks and Covid-19”

Being “good enough” is good enough!

I used to be the person who thought that she wasn’t good enough at anything. Not good enough to be in the top class, not good enough to be in the hockey team (always a reserve), not good enough to get a boyfriend, not good enough to… The list went on and on and on.Continue reading “Being “good enough” is good enough!”

Covid-19 and Anxiety

Covid-19 has changed the way we live our lives, for some it is an inconvenience, for others it has cost them everything, including their lives, most of us have been impacted in some kind of way. Anxiety inducing factors are everywhere and for some people staying at home really is the best place for them.Continue reading “Covid-19 and Anxiety”

I am fine thanks…

Ever feel like you are walking along a bridge that may give way? I walked along one the other day and it was scary, there were a few gaps, places that looked unsafe and it was wobbling. I started to think about how it relates to life and the precarious situations we can find ourselvesContinue reading “I am fine thanks…”